May 6Liked by Ian Cheney

I miss my 1990 Dodge Dakota so much. It was a hand me down from my dad who said “Finish it off!” The computer went out and it was too expensive to fix. It had a 7’ bed so you could carry everything in it. I love old trucks!

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[....] YES! (I don't know about censorship of the peanut gallery.)

I will submit that many trucks of this century are so thoroughly mad as to be murderous, so there's probably a taxonomy to be made with respect to truck mania, but I see your point. No lie, I once saw a truck with the license plate "MEATIER," so "METEOR" is doing a lot for me in my blossoming classification schema.

(Aside: My favorite license plate memory to date is that of a shiny Tesla parked at the Fitchburg HyVee, branded DISRUPT, owned by fit cool dude who did not return his cart. Move fast and break things, am I right?!)

Some other stuff:

Thank you for writing this.

I never used to think I was mad, but now I do. Maybe what the (self-styled) empowered call madness, the (self-styled) disempowered call liberty.

"If there were such a school, it would be a School of Madness and I would love it so much." Here, here!

so did you meet the tattooed dumpster magnate or what

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What an utter joy in my morning mailbox. The only thing that is greater madness than filmmaking is writing newsletters. Which is exactly why I wouldn't change a thing. Is it pretentious to say Godspeed? I hope so.

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